The All in One Accessibility Libras feature integrates Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) into websites, enabling users who are deaf or hard of hearing to understand and interact with content through sign language.
When activated, the All in One Accessibility Libras feature translates text on the website into Libras using an animated avatar, helping users who are familiar with Libras to comprehend the content more easily.
The feature works only with text-based / document object model-based content. However, it cannot interpret complex graphics, videos without captions, or other multimedia elements.
The All in One Accessibility Libras feature specifically supports Brazilian Portuguese Sign Language only.
The avatar itself cannot be customizable, but the appearance and position of the widget is presented on your website can often be tailored to match your branding.
Yes, integrating the All in One Accessibility Libras feature helps websites to following accessibility regulations in Brazil, where providing content in Libras is often a requirement.
By incorporating the All in One Accessibility Libras feature, website owners can broaden their audience reach, enhance user experience for deaf individuals, and show improvements to inclusivity.